Black Friday…Small Business Saturday…Cyber Monday…OH MY!! I know exactly how you feel in the moment. You see an item. You didn’t plan to purchase it but the deal is way too good to pass [...]
On the cusp of a new year the “New You” bug begins to bite! Writing checklists, goals, and plans for the weeks, months, and even years to come is almost an all consuming task at this [...]
For travel and convenience this season, why not try something new!? Your credit is precious. One way to keep it Luxurious is to give your credit cards a rest and rely on pre-paid currency [...]
There is no better time than now to learn the facts about collections. If you’re reading this article, chances are that at one point or another you’ve been on the receiving end of collections [...]
As you look forward to a new year and a new YOU, there some things you simply must be willing to change. LuxuriousCREDIT essentials are those non-negotiables that are a “must have” in [...]