Throwing caution to the wind is typically not the best policy when it comes to establishing good credit. Often times fear of consequences can be more than enough to curtail any potentially [...]
According to the most recent federal consumer finance reports, 2.5 million auto loans were originated in the United States in March 2017. That’s $53.8 billion dollars in new loans, a 3.4% [...]
You can’t always get what you want. Although, with LuxuriousCREDIT, it’s much easier to get the what you want, even when you can not afford to pay for them! Taking out a loan, for most people, is [...]
As a rule of thumb, people tend to be more cautious than careless. Often fear of consequences can be more than enough to curtail any possibly reckless behavior and steer a person away from harm. [...]
Realistically, life can get expensive! Here are a few suggestions to make you feel more confident about stepping into the life you’ve always wanted. The average millionaire has seven streams of [...]
When it comes to securing a loan, having no credit or little credit can be just as bad as having poor credit. This is true because both can be stumbling blocks to reaching approval for a new [...]
Credit is extended based on past performance. Credit score, FICO, and credit reports are financial industry terms used to discuss a person’s financial reputation and trustworthiness. [...]
The lovely colors of fall bring so much beauty to the world around us. Then comes winter with it’s chill and beautiful white landscape. Winter is followed by spring and the refreshing bloom [...]
A credit check can be a very important part of the employment screening process. “Why does your credit rating count anyway?” In some cases employers need to know whether an applicant can be [...]
Honesty is the best policy. However, it can be difficult to be completely honest when the truth is not black and white. Here are the facts about credit repair companies; Fact #1 Credit repair [...]