Throwing caution to the wind is typically not the best policy when it comes to establishing good credit. Often times fear of consequences can be more than enough to curtail any potentially [...]
Your credit report is much more than just a way for potential creditors and lenders to decide weather you’re worthy of credit. It contains a host of personal data you can leverage to [...]
ould you rather rent or buy a home? This is a question that virtually all adults must ask themselves at one point or another. Before you answer this question, there are a few other questions you [...]
Life is expensive! For many the issue is more about learning to live within your means less about having enough money. We intended to make you feel confident about stepping into the luxurious [...]
What is your definition of a Credit Bureau? Some would say it’s a Government Agency that is responsible for reporting and maintaining financial information about consumers. INCORRECT. These [...]
Like Rome, good credit is not built in a day. With consistency, planning, and responsibility, however, it can be accomplished. Part of the challenge of establishing and maintaining a healthy [...]
In most cases, when we think of personal credit and our own credit history, our primary concerns are those items that may reflect poorly on us. Negative reports from previous lenders, creditors [...]
Credit repair is an economically wise because your credit report impacts everything from employability to loans and insurance. Establishing LuxuriousCREDIT is attainable for everyone who desires [...]
According to the most recent federal consumer finance reports, 2.5 million auto loans were originated in the United States in March 2017. That’s $53.8 billion dollars in new loans, a 3.4% [...]
You can’t always get what you want. Although, with LuxuriousCREDIT, it’s much easier to get the what you want, even when you can not afford to pay for them! Taking out a loan, for most people, is [...]